
Showing posts from July, 2018

Back in the U S of A and already missing Morocco

        Hello my loyal readers, this is my final blog post about my study abroad experience in Fes Morocco, and if any of you are just joining us feel free to read any of my seven other posts about the different places I visited. This post serves the purpose of summing up my experience with a little self reflection and sharing my experiences in my final days in Fes. Having spent most of my days in Fes, it became easy to navigate and explore the city. I have gotten lost and happened upon gardens hidden in a labyrinth of shops in the old Medina, gotten in fights with cabs over cab fare, gone to concerts on the main street, ate the most random foods and drinks from street vendors, and drank an unspeakable amount of tea with mint. The most positive experience I had was definitely with my host family. It is difficult to understand how you can become so close to a family despite all language and cultural barriers. They welcomed us without any hesitation and treated us just as they treated th